in my flat, you're ALWAYS in the kitchen.

Apr 18, 2009 20:04

Today was a mighty day for the culinary life of Bradworth. As I have a weekend where I don't need to be anywhere or do anything specific, I decided to spend today cooking. So I looked up a few recipes, went and bought all the ingredients i needed, and roasted me a chicken =D

mmmmm roast chicken with lemon and garlic, real gravy, and (an attempt at) sautee'd carrots and potatoes. Veggies were slightly under done, but the rest was amazing.

-yes, that is my fork at the corner. I licked my plate when I was done ^^;;
And I cooked MOAR!

That would be a pear and blackberry crumble, with cinnamon, vanilla and a liiiitle chocolate :3

I ate it with ice cream.

So~ perhaps not too big a deal for some, but I am pleased with my achievements for the day =D And as such I am now in bed dossing around for the rest of the evening

On slightly more important news, me Dad had his operation on Wednesday, and it was a complete success. It had been moved back a few weeks due to nhs being, well, nhs, so he finally went into hospital on tuesday, scheduled for his operation at noon the following day. He didn't get back from surgery til 10 that night, dunno whether he was late in to theatre or anything, so mum was getting a little worried by that point. However everything went just about as well as could have been hoped for.

Without going too much into the nasty details, the only way to remove the infection was to remove the infected parts of the lung, so the estimate was anywhere between half and all of his left lung would need removing. When they got in to check the situation, it turned out it was only half needed taking out, which is good. Apparently lungs can compensate for this by expanding to fill the empty space, so he'll actually get back to about 95% lung capacity. Crazy thing, the human body. Also very good news is that he didn't lose any motor skills from the operation. Again, not going into detail, but there is no easy way to get in at lungs for surgery, and the operation had a risk that he would lose pretty much all control of his left hand. This didn't happen though, so we're all pretty relieved.

So he's gonna be bedridden for probably another 3 weeks, He can't even stand right now, and is on constant morphine and other such fun things. While I've not spoken to him, Mum says he seems in good spirits, if exhausted, and the cough vanished immediatelly after the op, so a complete success =D

Hmm, I was gonna work on my moodtheme a bit tonight, but I've ended up playing with pokemon sketches instead... I've now set up a pokemonathon-specific DA account, which now has a few of my rough plans for upcoming submissions shoved into it's scraps. Not planning to post on the community again until I have a backlog of at least 20 though, which at the moment looks like it'll take me all year lol, only on Bayleef :(

isn't she a helpful Bay though :3

Some impressive procrastination goin on with this post... I've only been writing it for 3 hours orz Too tired to think whether I have anythng else to report, but I doubt it really. Not much happening with me lately :)
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