*still has warm fuzzies from being in Tokyo*

Sep 22, 2004 13:11

So it has come to my attention that I haven't posted in my LJ for an eternity. And unfortunately it seems to be the new craze to delete friends who are too busy to post every detail of their boring lives in their LJ. Conclusion: I have to stop having a life and spend more time writing in my LJ!! YAAAY!!

Okie, people aren't really THAT bad. If I offended anyone, I apologize. It's just that LJ isn't on top of my priority list. No one comments on my posts anyway, so I doubt anyone's actually reading it. Besides, I have an excuse for not writing anything, I was in Tokyo.

Which was amazing, by the way.

I'll put up some pictures later. I'm so behind in everything.

Except downloading. That I've kept up in. Remember a few posts ago, I said I liked Gazette but not as much? Well...*ahem* *worships the ground they walk on* Funny how that happens...

Hence the new lay. And the Uruha icon. *purrs*

For some reason, I'm really anxious for winter. I can't explain it. I want cold and snow and holiday lights and sweet potato pie. I want to buy my first winter coat in years and snow boots (sad isn't it, since I live in Iowa). I think it has something to do with nostalgia for when I first started liking Japanese music, which was in the fall/winter.

*snuggles up and daydreams about the good old days*
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