Wyoming candidate staffer appears to use fake name to question a rival during news conference CHEYENNE, Wyo. (AP) _ The press secretary for Republican U.S. House candidate Cynthia Lummis appears to have called in to a news conference held by her rival, using a fake name and identifying herself as a supporter of the Democrat.
The press secretary, Rachael Seidenschnur, acknowledged calling in to Tuesday's news conference and asking candidate Gary Trauner a question regarding U.S. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi. But Seidenschnur denied using a fake name and said she did not identify herself as a Trauner supporter.
But an audio recording by The Associated Press shows THE ONLY CALLER to the news conference who asked about Pelosi identified herself as a Trauner supporter named "Sierra."
"I have a question," the caller said. "This is Sierra. I'm just a supporter. I was curious about whether Mr. Trauner supports, or if he'd been in the House, would have voted for Nancy Pelosi's and the rest of the Democrats' energy bill this past week."
Trauner asked the caller who she was. After the caller repeated that she was a supporter, Trauner steered the conversation to the topic of the news conference -- the $700 billion proposed federal bailout of the financial industry.
In an interview with the AP, Seidenschnur said she was curious about the Democrat's position on offshore drilling and reiterated that it was a public news conference.
"I was curious about getting information to people concerning the Pelosi question," Seidenschnur said. "And it's a public thing. And I was curious. I wanted folks to know. I think that was a fair question. I wasn't in any way, you know, derogatory."
[So she misrepresents herself under a fake name and claims to be "a supporter" -- ie: a Democrat -- and then tries to deflect the focus of the interview to a completely unrelated topic, simply because she's _curious_. BULLSHIT.
She was trying to derail the press conference by introducing a "stealth" topic, hoping to get a statement about the Democratic Speaker of the House and the Democratic energy bill. I gather that if she'd managed to deflect the discussion of the economic bailout to either Pelosi or the energy bill, this incompetent sneak and her chickenshit boss would have "spun" Trauner's comments for their own benefit. He failed to take her inept bait and threw her back into her cesspool.
What a sleazy, low-rent trashy piece of work. She stinks like a 3-days-dead fish and belongs in a cesspool, not a press pool.
If that's the level of professional behavior she thinks is acceptable, we don't need Republicans of her trashy kind in Washington, we've already got more than enough fully entrenched cockroaches in Congressional and executive staff offices. If Lumnis condones this behavior in her staff, or even thinks she can kick it under the table and hope it goes away, we don't need HER adding to the cockroach population, either.]
Phone records provided to the AP by the Trauner campaign listed eight numbers of people who called the news conference. The numbers included Seidenschnur's cell phone number.
Lummis declined comment when asked about Seidenschnur. Her opponent described Seidenschnur's conduct as "low."
"That's not the kind of thing I would ever do, and I think to myself, 'Is this really the kind of person we want to send to D.C.?'" Trauner said.
Trauner and Lummis are vying to replace seven-term Republican Rep. Barbara Cubin, who's not seeking re-election. Seidenschnur was Cubin's press secretary until a few weeks ago.
[So she's been one of the resident cockroaches already.... too bad, just have to make sure she and her chickenshit new boss don't get back in. ]
The Democratic bill Trauner was asked about would have provided, with conditions, for oil drilling in new offshore regions for the first time in 25 years. Lummis and other Republicans have criticized the bill for containing too many stipulations.
[ROFLMAO -- like Republican bills don't have stipulations, clauses, earmarks, and special addendums that are actually STEALTH ENACTMENTS that fall completely under the radar. Yeah, right.
What the Republicans (particulary those with ties to the Bushes and the oil industry) really wanted was a blank check to drill anywhere they wanted to for more oil and natural gas, but the Democrats have at least a modicum of concern for the environment and have no intention of allowing the oil companies to completely rape our coastlines in order to keep their executive bonuses and jets.
I think it's about time we had a Congressional investigation into the oil and auto industry's hoard of energy and transportation patents and how they've managed to derail any effective alternative energy development over the last 30 years. We wouldn't be in this mess, still dependent on foreign oil, if they hadn't bought up every patent in those fields as a way of maintaining their monopoly of the global energy structure.
Come to think of it, who's been contributing to the campaign coffers of this cesspool cockroach's boss, Ms. Lummis? That's supposed to be PUBLIC RECORD, right? Let's see where the money to pay this cockroach is coming from. ]
Trauner said he hasn't endorsed the Democratic drilling plan or any other proposal for offshore drilling besides his own plan.
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