Title: Conversation Hearts
Author: pasty_pants
Rating: G
Fandom: Merlin
Pairing: Merlin/Arthur
Words: 100
Summary: Arthur's eating habits distract Merlin's note taking skills.
A/N Thanks to my beta
penarddun for putting up with me in general. And to
MysticTwilight for putting up with me all the time. ^.^ Even my drabbles are AU. I was trying to figure out if I could write something short and make it stay short.
He didn’t find Arthur’s loud chewing next to him the least bit annoying. The professor continued his rant about the time of Chivalry, Merlin took his notes and the bag of candy rustled as Arthur reached inside. Finally Merlin shot a will-you-shut-up glare towards his boyfriend. Arthur grinned and placed one of the bright yellow hearts on the table between them.
“Yes dear”
Merlin rolled his eyes, ignoring the candy as he returned to his notes. A white one accompanied the yellow.
“I love you”
Smiling, he plucked the white heart off the table and popped it into his mouth.