Title: A Most Generous Gift
sarcasticchickPairing: Merlin/Arthur
Rating: R
Warnings: Dark themes, no spoilers though occurs after 1x13
Word Count: 3,000+
Summary: "Such fine metal a peasant could not possess, with little time to hone a sharp blade. Why, I imagine it was a dreadful experience."
Disclaimer: Merlin and Arthur (in this form, because in this form they certainly aren't anything like legend) belong to BBC.
lilithilien who kicks so much ass she beta'd for me, then with one hand tied behind her back, came up with title and summary.
A/N: re: the warning - There's no non-con or dub-con, no gory graphic violence, no graphic baum-chicka-wha-wha, but it's admittedly dark and possibly a bit warped if you think at all like me.
This is written for everyone who watched the show and wondered how and why everyone is so remarkably well-kept (other than to make viewers drool at the pretty people in shiny armor). I would apologize for the direction my brain took for such a light-hearted show in finding an answer - but I'm saving that for another fic I have in mind.
A Most Generous Gift