Fic: If Ever, Now (Merlin/Arthur, PG-13)

Mar 14, 2018 19:28

Title: If Ever, Now
Author: athena1919
Pairing: Arthur/Merlin
Word Count: 16,526
Rating: PG-13
Warnings: implied sexual content
Summary: Merlin realizes that Morgana has magic and that he needs to help her before anyone else realizes it, too. He agrees to give her illegal magic lessons on top of all the work he does for Arthur and chores he handles for Gaius.
Arthur hears rumors of something going on between Merlin and Morgana and isn't pleased.
To Merlin, it just seems like the prince is determined to monopolize his thoughts- as if he didn't already. With even more secrets to keep, Merlin is glad he knows how to juggle.

On AO3


rating: pg-13 [2], 1st time posting [2], fanfic [2], genre: fluff

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