Title: Matchmaker's Glory, Chapter 1 (This fic is part 2 of the Legacy of Glory series.)
Rating: PG-13 (for parts 1 and 2 only, rating will go up in subsequent parts)
Warnings: None
Author: vilia (aka yn_ame)
Summary: As Arthur struggles to define his relationship with Merlin in modern terms, an opportunity arises to rid himself of the attentions of his unwanted admirer, the reincarnated Lady Vivian. He jumps at the chance, not realizing just how difficult it will be. Inspired, in part, by the Arthurian tale of Culhwch and Owlen.
I know it's been a long time, so if you need to start back at the beginning with part 1, which was inspired by the Arthurian tale of Rhitta Gawr, you can do so here:
From the Shadow of GloryIf you're up-to-date with part 1 already, here's the latest addition to the series:
Matchmaker's Glory, Chapter 1