FIC: agowilt

Sep 30, 2017 20:19

Title: agowilt
Rating: PG-13/T
Warnings/Content Notes: Canon Divergence AU, Arthur knows about Merlin's magic, Hurt/Comfort, Injury Recovery, Love Confessions
Summary: If this was some grandiose ballad, spun by traveling minstrels known for their fondness for the maudlin, this is the act of the tale where Merlin would spring awake, miraculously cured by the power of Arthur's confession alone. But instead he continues his fitful slumber, unaware that Arthur has laid his soul bare like an unclothed babe shivering in the snow.

Arthur doesn't regret it though. It's not like he's cared for such sentimental stories anyway.
Notes: Written for a prompt meme on my tumblr.


rating: pg-13 [2], contributor: fuckyeah, genre: h/c, fanfic [2]

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