New Merlin Fest On Tumblr: MerlinMemoryMonth

Mar 16, 2017 17:37

MerlinMemoryMonth is a prompt-based Merlin BBC fest taking place in May 2017 on Tumblr and remembers and celebrates Merlin by offering 13 prompt days during one month and reblogging all the posts that will be created for the prompts.

You are welcome to gif, write, edit, knit, arrange, draw, craft, vid, head canon, manip, sew - you come up with it, we reblog it. Feel free to merthur each and every prompt :)

It is intended to be an easy-going and hopefully joy-bringing event. No sign-ups, no assignments - just simply post when it suits you. Contributions will be accepted until June 5th 2017.

If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to send us an ask.

You can look at the prompt and posting schedule here and find the All You Need To Know here.

We’re looking forward to your contributions, let the magic flow!

resources: links

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