(no subject)

Oct 31, 2016 20:27

Title: You're Only in Trouble if You Get Caught
Author: thalia :D (thalialunacy)
Summary: Wherein Arthur is a princess with ambition and Merlin is a dangly sorcerer who can’t help but nick things. Add in a marriage decree, an OAP named Gaius, a really complicated spell, and stir.

Genre: Canon-era fairytale AU, where everyone's pretty happy and gayness & magic are both on a kind of non-death-y don't-ask-don’t-tell level.
Warnings: Temporary gender-swapping for love. And oh my god anachronisms. (Differentiating between the period during which the Arthurian legend was written and the period about which it was written: The Forever Struggle.)
Prompt: Very loosely based on Disney's Aladdin, from which came the title.
Rating: R for sexual situations
Length: >15k

( Arthur shakes his head, almost indulgently. "You must admit you're as bad as I am, Merlin."
Merlin nearly drops his armful of sweaty cloth. "I'm-what?"
"I was speaking in English, was I not?"
"Yes, and so did you just admit-in English-that you are insufferable?"
"Steady on, don't hurt yourself. Or drop my washing." )

1st time posting [2], rating: r [2], fanfic [2]

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