Picspam: The Red Favour (Proof of Arthur Wearing Merlin's Favour in 3x04)

May 20, 2016 18:16

Title: Picspam for The Red Favour (Proof of Arthur Wearing Merlin's Favour in 3x04!)
Author: greymantledlady
Rating: G
Warnings: Spoilers for 3x04 'Gwaine'.
Summary: In which I present reasoned proof of Arthur wearing Merlin's favour in the melee :D

AO3: The Red Favour (+ picspam)

(Back to fic: The Red Favour)

This is all canon! :D

So, we have Exhibit A: Arthur and Merlin, in Arthur’s chambers, flirting.

Arthur’s so smug and pleased that Merlin’s worrying about him:

‘Merlin, your concern for my wellbeing is… touching.’

But Merlin’s serious about this:

*pleading puppy face of intensity*

Arthur gently explains that Merlin doesn’t understand, he has to do it, to prove himself, and please can Merlin accept that and love him anyway because he can’t do anything without his darling’s support. (All right, the last bit was tacit, but it still counts.)

Here he is with his soft face of love and conviction:

‘It’s about proving to the people that I’m fit to lead them.’

And Merlin nearly leaps into Arthur’s arms because he loves him so much, and Arthur’s so dear and brave and will be the BEST KING EVER. But he manages to hold back, through great force of will, and makes this sweet face of love and sunshine instead:

Of course he will support his love, no matter what he decides to do. But can Arthur please be very extra careful because it makes Merlin very very worried when Arthur has to fight in big scary battles against lots of nasty men with sharp weapons.

‘I know. Just be careful.’

Arthur has a hard time stopping himself from kissing Merlin, after that look. But he’s had a lot of practice, so he just gives Merlin the stilted nod of emotionally constipated awkwardness:

Merlin breaks the tension by handing Arthur his sword in this most adorable manner:

Just look at that face. So earnest and loving and full of pride and belief in his beautiful golden Arthur.

Arthur’s wearing what I call Level 1 armour - just his everyday chainmail, and the sword:

No sign of the favour yet. But look at Merlin’s neckscarf. It’s lying straight on his chest:

Then we cut to the melee.

First, we have a flustered looking Merlin ducking amongst the tents and crowds to get to Gaius (and a good spot to watch his champion fighting for him). He’s obviously come from getting Arthur into Level 2 armour - the plates and strapped-on bits that are good for protection but too heavy to walk around in longer than you have to. It makes sense to put them on in the tent, right there in the field.

Why so hot and bothered, Merlin?

Look at his scarf now. It’s definitely wonky. Distinctly lopsided!

All right, you don’t have to believe me. :D  I admit that it could just be that he knocked it askew when he was walking or something, but my theory is more fun. I think it looks like it’s been re-tied since the last scene. The folds aren’t so neat.

Unfortunately the cap’s a little blurry, but Merlin was walking too fast.


Next we have the knights, all armoured up.

False Knight #1 and False Knight #2 are looking grim and ready-to-kill. Then it switches to Arthur, who gives them this cool, arrogant little head tilt and lip curl. ‘I’m going to make you sorry you were ever born.’

It’s kind of impossible to get a good cap of this because it’s over so quickly, but I’ve tried:

They clang their visors down at each other in a display of testosterone-fuelled antler-shaking. I find this kind of funny. *hides grin with hands*

And finally, HERE:

I’ve circled it. Who else owns a raggy bit of ripped red fabric?

It’s not Gwen, anyway. She’s wearing lavender today, and looking lovely, but she didn’t give that red scrap to Arthur. In fact, I don’t even think that Gwen owns any red clothing at this point.

(Gwen is sweet, and I really like her - it’s just that her relationship with Arthur falls so flat compared with Arthur’s relationship with Merlin, so I prefer to just pretend it doesn’t exist. But that’s a whole other story.)

No, it’s Merlin who owns a raggedy red scarf, and it’s Merlin who was putting Arthur’s armour on right before the melee. Arthur’s not just going to make a token for himself, because that would be pointless and missing the whole point of it being a favour.

It’s Merlin’s favour.

Here it is again:

And afterwards, with Arthur’s helmet off:

And some close-ups:



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fanfic [2], contributor: greymantledlady, rating: g [2]

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