A Fic and a Drabble

Mar 25, 2016 21:06

Title: Pinnacles
Author: rotrude
Rating: explicit
Pairings: Merlin/Arthur
Word Count: 7k
Content Notes/Warnings: Heights
Summary: Cambridge, 1953. Arthur and Merlin come from different worlds, utterly disparate backgrounds, and yet they have more in common than just attending the same university. They're night climbers: they go up the walls of colleges and public buildings, taking on daring feats, defying authorities, challenging themselves to get where most people don't. While Merlin's activities are on the wane, Arthur wants to face his biggest trial yet, scaling the top of King's Chapel. To him it's about more than a simple ascent.
Author's Notes: My heartfelt thanks go to rachelautumn for reading this over and for her thoughtful comments on my grammar and syntax. That's the kind of exchange that makes you think. I loved your insight, R!


Title: I'll Be Ducked
Author: rotrude
Rating: G
Pairings: Merlin/Arthur
Word Count: 500 words
Content Notes/Warnings: none
Summary: Written in response to @daftfandomtho's prompt on tumblr: 'ducks'. Merlin saves a badling of ducks and meets Arthur.

I'll Be Ducked

genre: humour, rating: g, genre: au, rating: nc-17 [2], genre: action/adventure, contributor: rotrude, genre: romance, genre: angst, fanfic [2]

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