Title: Scarborough Fair
Author: gwylliondream
Rating: NC-17
Word Count: 25K
Warnings: None
Disclaimer: All characters are the property of BBC/Shine and their creators.
Summary: When Gwen is banished from Camelot for her indiscretion with Lancelot, Merlin misses the friendship he shared with her and Arthur. Arthur’s behaviour has taken a turn for the worse with Gwen gone-he sends Merlin to the stocks and overworks the knights whenever he gets the chance. Merlin works hard to convince Arthur to reunite with Gwen. He travels to Scarborough to give Gwen the news that Arthur will forgive her and take her as his queen, but only if she can prove her worthiness by completing a series of seemingly impossible tasks. Merlin uses his forbidden magic to help Gwen perform the tasks… the tasks that were meant to be completed by Gwen alone.
Author’s notes: Scarborough Fair was written was written for the
aftercamlann Big Bang and as a
kinkme_merlin fill for
this prompt.
On LJ On AO3 Cover Art by rishimakapur