Fic: Vagaries of Space and Time

Dec 02, 2014 17:43

Title: Vagaries of Space and Time
Pairing: Merlin/Arthur.
Rating: NC-17
Length: 14k
Disclaimer: The characters don’t belong to me; they are the property of the BBC and Shine. No profit is being made.
Warnings: Sacrificial gesture save-the-world gesture, age difference (10 years), minor character death
Summary: Interstellar AU. Earth's resources are shrinking; atmospheric changes are taking their toll on the world's population. The human race is on its knees, its last leg. The only hope is relocation. A team of astronauts is sent out to plumb the depths of space for a new home for humanity. Merlin must leave everything behind, including Arthur. But this is for him.
Notes: Many, many thanks go to Archaelogist_D and Argentsleeper for the incredibly swift beta read. They're both mega lovely. I'm also in debt to the maginificent Spacealtie for the science beta, whitout which this fic would be littered with many more scientific errors! Any remaning ones are on me and derive from my inability to wrap my head around the subject.

Vagaries of Space and Time

contributor: rotrude, genre: au, rating: nc-17 [2], genre: angst, fanfic [2], genre: action/adventure

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