Fic: Hands-on Practice

Apr 25, 2014 07:40

Title: Hands-on Practice
Pairing: Merlin/Arthur
Words:11k ish
Rating: R
Warnings: Um, a dance Au fic by someone who doesn't dance?
Summary: It's driving Arthur mad. How could this skinny, gangly twig of a classmate be a dancer? How could this goofy idiot be playing The Swan in the year-end production? Most of all, how could Merlin Emrys be Arthur's roommate this semester? A Dance School AU with room-mates thrown in for good measure.

Notes: Thanks to candymacaron and miss_bekahrose for egging (enabling) and helping with the dance research. Also to betas  sp_owl (for plot) and   hart_d (for SPaG).

Also, see for fanart by the talented merlocked18 ... *flails*
read on AO3: Hands-on practice

genre: romance, 1st time posting [2], rating: r [2], genre: drama, fanfic [2], genre: fluff

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