Subject: Fic: Camelot Reshuffle (1-shot)
Author: Camelittle
Title: Camelot Reshuffle
Rating: Mature
Pairing: Merlin/Arthur, various others both real and fake (don't want to spoil the plot!). .
Word Count: 6615
Disclaimer: I'm doing this for love, not money. The characters portrayed in this work of fiction are inspired by the BBC / Shine production "Merlin". I do not own the rights to these characters.
Summary: Merlin's current flat mate--darling of daytime TV, and national treasure, Gwen Smith--asks for an innocuous-seeming favour. In which Merlin has an inconvenient migraine, there are inappropriate crushes, and various peoples’ acts of revenge don’t turn out as originally intended.
Author's notes: Written for the “pretend relationships” themed challenge on
merlin_writers, for this wonderful prompt: "I need a straight guy to pretend to be my boyfriend for 30 minutes so that I can pull off an act of petty vengeance. Interested?"
Enormous thanks to the awesome
archaeologist_d for the beta.
On A03
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