Title: Born of Magic
destiny_chickenCharacters: Arthur, Merlin, Uther, Gaius, OC Lord Aden, OC Lady Alys
Genre/pairing: Hurt/Comfort, Slash, Merlin/Arthur
Rating: NC-17 due to language, and explicit sexual content
Word-count: 2657 this chapter
Beta: Thanks to the awesome
Spoilers: Mention of 1.1 (The Dragon’s Call), 2.8 (The Sins of the Father) and 2.13 (The Last Dragonlord)
Summary: Arthur suffers yet another blow to the head, but this one causes amnesia. He and Merlin are quarantined to Arthur’s chambers in an attempt to avoid revealing the amnesia to Uther. Once Arthur is cured by Merlin’s magic, strange incidents begin to occur.
LJ Chapter 1 LJ Chapter 2 LJ Chapter 3 LJ Chapter 4 LJ Chapter 5 LJ Chapter 6 LJ Chapter 7 LJ Chapter 8 LJ Chapter 9 or