Fertility Ritual

Jul 22, 2013 13:58

Title: Fertility Ritual
Rating: NC-17
Warnings/Spoilers: references to infertility
Summary: Written in response to this prompt on the kink meme:  Arthur and Gwen are married, but this is mostly for public consumption. Lancelot is Gwen's consort and Merlin is Arthur's consort. For some reason (magical fertility treatments?), they need to switch things around in a way they never have before. Merlin has to fuck Gwen (cue massive awkwardness and perhaps Gwen needing to take charge since Merlin doesn't know much about girls). Lancelot has to fuck Arthur, who isn't much of a bottom and could perhaps stand to learn a few things about getting fucked.


rating: nc-17, 1st time posting, fanfic

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