Title: I'm Forever Yours...
Author/Artist: geekslave
Pairing(s): Arthur/Merlin
Characters: Merlin, Arthur, Gwen, Gwaine, Gaius, Morgana, Percival, Iseldir
Word Count: 18,513
Rating: PG-13
Summary: Percival convinces Gwaine not to chase after Morgana after Eira is killed. Because of that, Merlin gets Arthur to the Isle on time and is able to save Arthur. Now, Merlin and Arthur have to really deal with the repercussions of his magic reveal. Things begin to change between the two of them and they both have to truly figure out what their feelings are toward each other and just where Gwen fits in.
Disclaimer: Merlin characters are the property of Shine and BBC. No profit is being made and no copyright infringement is intended.
Warnings: Spoilers for 5.13. Brief violence
Notes: Written for the
merlin_redux fest.
Title taken from a line in Journey's song, "Faithfully."
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