Title: The Long Way (the Little Lionheart Remix)
corilannamRating: NC-17
Pairings: Merlin/Arthur, Merlin/Mordred
Word Count: 9,257
Warnings: None
Content: sex magic, bondage, tentacles (non-creature), time travel, reconciliation
Summary: Arthur and Merlin were on the verge of a magically kinky love affair--if only Merlin had known it. One misstep and Merlin must find a way back to what he should have had with Arthur.
Author Notes: This is a remix of
marguerite_26's brilliant story
I Would Find a Way, created for the 2013
camelotremix. It was an honor to have a chance to play with
marguerite_26's fantastic work. These characters, in particular, stuck in my head and my heart. Thank you for the chance to spend some more time with them!
And a million thanks to
venivincere and
sapphirescribe for their flawless and patient mod work. Thanks for making this all possible!
I would love to hear what you liked (or didn't!). Comments welcome either here or on AO3.
The Long Way (the Little Lionheart Remix)