Apr 11, 2013 19:07

Author: Crossoversign

Title: Resurrection & Downfall
Rating: PG-13
Genre: Romance, Drama, Angst
Pairing: Merlin/Arthur (Colin/Bradley) from Merlin BBC TV Series
Summary: It's 21 century and something was waking up inside them; welding and at the same time tearing them apart...
Spoiler: After the end of the series (season 5)


“We have to make it to the lake…”

“Merlin…not without the horses. We can’t. It’s too late. It’s…too late. All your magic and you can’t save my life.”

“I can. I’m not going to lose you.”

“Just, just hold me, please.”

He woke up, sweating as tears flood from his eyes. It felt so real, the dream felt so damn real. It took him few second to realize where he’s as he wiped his tears and sweat. His chest felt so heavy as the scene kept replaying itself inside his mind.

They’re trying to come out from a wood and get to a lake. He was dragging someone badly wounded and he knew the lake was the only way that might saved the man he called friend. At least, he thought so. His feeling for that person was so strong and he could still remember the face he somehow held so dearly beneath his heart. His blue eyes were lighting out and his short blond hair was wet. He was gasping for breath and asked to be held. He didn’t know who the man was but he could never forget the face and the feelings; he had been having the dream for three straight days.

“Colin! Time to wake up or you’ll be late for school!” his mom shouted from the kitchen. Colin took a deep breath as he kicked out his blanket and made the bed. He took cool shower to keep his head straight up and washed his face for the second time; hoping he could somehow forget the weird dream. Yet, he knew he could never forget. It’s like something inside him was waking up.

“Colin! Breakfast!"

His mom’s second call was enough for him to dress up, take his bag, and get out from his bedroom. He lived with only his mom and knew nothing of his dad. He learnt the subject would bring his beloved mom sad so he didn’t ask more even though he’s curious. Their house was not big but comfortable enough for both of them; it’s one floor. There’re two bedrooms, a bathroom, a living room, a kitchen and a pantry. His mom worked for their living expense. Colin wanted to help but he was forbid as his mom wanted him to focus on his study.

“I’ll eat on the bus,” Collin spoke as he took the bread from the kitchen, kissed his mom, and then headed to the front door.

“Be careful and have a great time at school!”

Colin waved to his mom as he walked few meters away from his house. He spotted his school bus and got inside. Sometime he felt funny to have a high school bus but his school was wealthy enough to provide such ridiculous thing; he’s lucky to get a scholarship there.

He walked to his favorite seat on the back of the bus and realized someone had sat there. No one ever sat there. It’s a boy like his age and when he looked to the face, Colin stunned.

“Arthur…” he spoke the name.

genre: romance, genre: future!fic, rating: pg-13, 1st time posting, genre: angst, genre: drama, fanfic

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