Title: With a Sweep of a Charcoal
elirwenPairing: Merlin/Arthur
Genre: modern!AU
Word Count: ~7000
Rating: NC-17
Warnings: a bit of mind control (not Merlin/Arthur)
Summary: The last thing Merlin expected to happen on his first day of uni was saving a life of a blond prat. The same blond prat that laughed at him not two hours ago when he tripped over a stair and spilled his freshly borrowed books all over the hallway floor. Yes, he helped pick them up, but only after his friend started, and he didn’t forget to slip in a joke about Merlin’s ears in the process.
A/N: Written for merlin reverse bang challenge for
this awesome art. Go give
puckboum, my amazing artist, all the love! NOW!!! ♥
Read @ ao3 Read @ lj