Title: To Ring the Bell Backward (Part 4)
Author: talesofyesac
Rating: PG-13
Pairings: Merlin/Arthur, Arthur/Gwen, Arthur/Morgana
Warnings/Spoilers: Character death, violence
; Series 4, though possibly some tiny references to S5.
When he tied his life to Arthur's at Camlann in a desperate attempt to
ensure that Arthur would rise again, Merlin never considered that he was
making a mistake. He'd certainly never anticipated that, centuries
later, Arthur might become everything they'd both once stood against.
But as wrong as Arthur is--and he is wrong, isn't he?--fighting him was
never something Merlin wanted to do. Unfortunately, sometimes a choice
between principles and people is inevitable. Though, in Merlin's case,
destiny may never have intended it to be a choice at all.
Part 4