Title: A long way to go 12/16
bunnysworldRating: NC-17 (not in this part, but it’ll get there)
Pairing: Arthur/Merlin
Spoilers: No spoilers
Warnings: modern AU, with a hint of magic
Word Count: 15.800andafew
Disclaimer: Unfortunately, the boys aren’t mine. Just took them out to play a little. I give them back unharmed - if I have to. Own nothing, no copyright infringement intended.
Summary: Arthur thinks his life is over. And then he meets Merlin.
Thanks to the wonderful
tambear13 for being my cheerleader through this and for the quick beta.
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 Part 6 Part 7 Part 8 Part 9 Part 10 Part 11 Arthur didn’t go back to the office. What good would it do? He could do without Merlin! If he didn’t want to be around him, he wouldn’t run after him. He didn’t cancel the appointments and he didn’t answer the phone when Merlin called.
He called Percy to tell him he couldn’t coach any more.
Percy just listened. The only thing he said was “The kids will be very disappointed.”
Two days later, he had a letter in the mail, the penmanship indicating that one of the children had written it, asking him to come back since it was so boring without him. And that they wanted him to come to their BBQ. It was signed by all of them. Those who couldn’t write yet had drawn something on the paper.
Arthur swallowed hard. It wasn’t their fault that he’d fallen for Merlin. And it wasn’t their fault that Merlin didn’t return the feelings. But he’d just run into him if he went back there and that was something he didn’t need at the moment.
On the day of the BBQ, Arthur felt even worse. He wanted to go so badly to apologize to the kids. He missed them, missed going there twice a week to coach them.
He sat by the window and looked outside when his mobile rang.
“Arthur? Hi, this is Leon.”
“Leon! Are you okay? Is there anything wrong?” Immediately he was worried. It was Saturday, the day where the kids could call their parents if they wanted. And Leon had chosen to call him. There must be something terribly wrong.
“Yeah, no. I… You know there’s the feast today, don’t you?”
Oh yes, he knew that. “Yes.”
“Could you come?”
Leon’s voice sounded so desperate and there was approving murmurs in the background, Arthur’s heart broke. How could he punish those kids for his own stupidity?
“Yeah…I’ll be there.”
“He says he’ll be here,” Leon said, away from the phone and whoever was there with him, broke out in yelling and howling.
“See you later, Leon.”
Part 13