Title: Complications (With Spiderman T-Shirts and Optimistic Outcomes)
herbeautifulliePairing: Merlin/Arthur
Word Count/Art Medium: 10.5k
Rating: NC-17(ish)
Warnings: None
Summary: Arthur thinks Merlin is an embarrassment to the country (especially in that tattered Spiderman shirt) and is in favour of sending him packing as soon as he meets him. Merlin thinks Arthur is self-entitled and would really rather not be in the same country, much less the room across the hall from him. Somewhere along the way there's a reporter who tells them things they don't want to hear (Merlin - a decent swimmer? Christ. Arthur and Gwaine - leading prospects for gold in beach volleyball? That won't deflate the ego any, will it?), a bit of stalking and a lot of sentences that start with "So..." but maybe (Arthur makes no promises) it'll all work out in the end.
Complications (With Spiderman T-Shirts and Optimistic Outcomes) @ AO3, as written for