fic: Stamboul Train (Merlin/Arthur, PG)

Apr 12, 2012 14:56

Author: significantowl
Title: Stamboul Train
Pairing(s): Merlin/Arthur, plus mentions of previous-life Merlin/Morgana. Merlin-Gwaine friendship. Implied Gwen/Lancelot.
Rating: PG
Warnings: Minor character death (canonical, highlight:*** Uther***), mentions of war, descriptions of seizures.
Word Count: 8210
Summary: In 1924, the Orient Express rolls across Europe. In the high places, something waits.
Notes: Written for Team Reincarnation in merlin_games. Slightly edited from original posting. Many thanks to my team, betas, and cheerleader! <3

At my writing lj here,

and Ao3 here.

contributor: significantowl, genre: au, rating: pg, genre: drama, fanfic

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