Title - Temptation in an Elevator
Series - Third in the
Pendragon Temptation SeriesRating - PG-13 (I know! I was shocked too)
Pairing - Arthur/Merlin
Warnings - OOC, smut, underage
Spoilers - None in particular
Word Count - ~1700
Summary - Everyone's conspiring against Merlin's 'The Christmas Party was the last time' Plan
Beta - the awesome
jelazakazone who was super speedy in beta'ing this and managed to fix things I didn't realise needed it until she pointed them out. I can't thank her enough :D
A/N - Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays to everyone. Where-ever you are, whatever you're doing, I hope you have a fantastic day!
“Why are you avoiding me, Merlin?” Arthur purrs, smug smirk on his face.