Title: Eclipse - No Hope (2/4)
thekeyholderPairing: Arthur/Merlin
Rating: PG
Genre: canon!era, angst, h/c, magic reveal
Word Count: this part ~1700
Beta: thank you so much to
blue_eyed_1987 ! <3
Warnings: none
Summary: Arthur has to face some mysterious, dark creatures who were banished by his father, but who are back to seek revenge: “Your kingdom will lose the most important thing without which it can’t survive.” However, the worst part is that their spell puts Merlin in great danger.
A/N: The plot thickens! I’d like to dedicate this story to
laurad2609 who introduced me to this lovely fandom. Hope you enjoy your Christmas present, dear! :)
Previous parts:
PART 1. "Your kingdom will lose the most important thing without which it can’t survive…and nobody can do anything about it."