Title: To Fall Like Lightning
Author: ArthurMerlinPairing: Arthur/Merlin
Rating: R
Spoilers: Merlin Series 4, especially Episodes 9 and 10.
Warnings: Religious themes, including Exorcism
Disclaimer: I do not own Merlin or any of the characters, stories, places etc associated with Merlin. This work is fanfiction and not to be used for any form of commercial usage.
Summary: Elyan's body has been invaded by an evil spirit, who puts everything Arthur and Merlin hold dear at terrible risk. How do you battle an invisible foe? And what will happen if Merlin's magic is revealed to Arthur?
Notes: You need to have watched 4x10 for this fic to make sense; indeed it assumes you are familiar with the story. Needless to say, then, it contains major spoilers. The story begins with an actual quote from the episode, and then moves off in a different direction; the way I would have loved to have seen it go! Please also see the notes at the top of the entry on my journal.
I actually wrote this as I was watching the episode; it is rushed, and probably full of mistakes. But hopefully there's the beginnings of a good idea here!
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