Title: Why You Should Always Shut The Bedroom Door (or at least sleep with more clothes on)
badjujubooPairings/characters: Merlin/Arthur
Rating: Hard R.... fine its NC17
Word Count: 3181
Warnings: arthur stalking of the sleeping kind and some boy on boy funsie times
Summary: Arthur sleeps and Merlin can't help but watch and want. AU
Authors Notes: omg
this photo and this (NSFW)
gif and ray lamontagne (although there is not ONE song but
this one are to blame for this THING instead of the fest fic i'm meant to be working on. Sometimes plot bunnies and new fandom fun needs to be placated. No beta so the mistakes (and I’m CERTAIN there are many) are all me. Just remember I WAS NEVER HERE YOU SAW NOTHING!
Disclaimer: Merlin belongs to those clever chaps at BBC and Shine LTD. Not this little black duck.
to sleep perchance for merlin to perve on a half naked arthur crossposted at