fic: The one where Arthur is a bonobo.

Jul 07, 2011 01:49

Title: The one where Arthur is a bonobo.
Author: psmithery
Rating: NC-17, in the very least.
Genre: Crack
Pairings: Arthur/Merlin, Arthur/Morgana, Arthur/Uther
Word Count: 831
Warnings: noncon, incest and bestiality. And rimming.
Summary: Arthur is turned into a chimpanzee and learns new skills in conflict resolution in the process.

A/N: This arose from an article I wrote about this week's challenge for the summerpornathon, which can be read here. I hold cor_leonis_1961 responsible. Beta'd by mizufae.

Don't get put off by the warnings, it is all just a load of stupidity, I swear. More information about bonobos can be found here. I'm not going to lie, they're pretty damn cool.

Also posted on AO3

( In hindsight, someone should have seen it coming.)

genre: kink, warnings: non-con, contributor: psmithery, genre: humour, rating: nc-17, genre: crack, fanfic

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