Title: The Gift Boy
tourdefierceRating: NC-17
Warnings: Underage!Merlin in sexual situations, age disparity of fifteen or more years, dub-con, dirty talk, shamelessness, language, canon-AU and generally, a ridiculous amount of porn.
Word Count: 7,600
Summary: King Arthur is presented with a gift that will tempt him far beyond anything he has ever experienced before. (Or the one where Merlin's a boy Druid, shamelessly wants Arthur's cock and Arthur just sort of freaks out all over the place. Also, there are orgasms.)
Author's Notes: Extensive at my journal.
The Gift Boy: NC-17 Mods: I didn't see a warnings!tag for underage content in sexual situations (or whatever). I also couldn't find anything in the rules about posting this type of fic, so if it's not allowed, then please delete it. ♥