Fic: The Prince's Studies - Rites of Passage (Part IV of The Prince Series)

Jun 26, 2011 02:00

Title: The Prince's Studies - Rites of Passage (Part IV of The Prince Series)
Author: psmithery & mizufae 
Rating: PG
Genre: angst & fluff
Pairings: references to Arthur/Merlin, Gwaine/Merlin and Arthur/Sophia
Word Count: 3,078
Warnings: very mild homophobia and a touch of blasphemy.
Summary: Merlin mopes, Arthur strops and Hunith reminisces about gay penguins.

A/N: A couple of people may have missed the part before this one, because it was posted in the newsletter as containing a het pairing (quite accurately, in fact). If you haven't read 'The Courtly Lady's Purview', follow the link below.


Previous part | Next part

Also posted on AO3
 ( I am not a penguin.)

contributor: psmithery, genre: au, rating: pg, genre: angst, genre: fluff, fanfic

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