Fic: Murder Will Out (Part IX/Eleven-ish) WIP

Jun 02, 2011 11:06

Title: Murder Will Out (Part IX) [Link takes you to DW, you can return to LJ to comment if you like]
Author: faithharkness
Fandom(s): Merlin & Torchwood & Glam Nation Tour & Doctor Who, oh my!
Pairing: Arthur/Merlin, hints of burgeoning Ianto/Jack, mentions of Guinevere/Lancelot
Characters: Arthur Pendragon (Arthur Penn here), MerlinEmrys, Jack Harkness, Ianto Jones, Toshiko Sato, Tenth Doctor (as John Smith), Uther Pendragon (Uther Penn), Hannah Summers-Fogg, Donna Noble, Sarah Jane Smith, Tommy Joe Ratliff, Guinevere, Morgana, mentions of Martha Jones and Lancelot; mention of past Ianto/Elle 
Rating: NC-17
Warnings/spoilers: If you’ve seen Series One of both Torchwood and Merlin, you’re good. Ditto for Series Two and Three of Doctor Who. If you have some knowledge of Adam Lambert’s Glam Nation Tour, you’ll recognize Tommy/Elf. If you don’t, go here and familiarize yourself. You’ll thank me for teh pretteh.
Chapter/Part Summary: In which Merlin is tackled, Arthur gets a visitor and Merlin has a sleepover.
Word Count: ~5,500

rating: nc-17, genre: h/c, contributor: faithharkness, genre: au, genre: drama, genre: crossover, fanfic

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