Fic: Plumpendicular

May 31, 2011 02:20

Title: Plumpendicular
Author: psmithery
Rating: NC-17
Genre: PWP
Pairings: Arthur/Merlin (passing references to Merlin/Others and Arthur/Other)
Word Count: 3,062
Summary: Merlin didn’t know if it was possible to suck someone off insubordinately, but he was damn well going to try.

A/N: Plumpendicular is an archaic term which means "to hang perpendicular to the ground". Beta courtesy of the wondrous mizufae .

Also posted on AO3

There were few things stupider-looking than a half-hard cock. Or, at least, it certainly seemed that way to Merlin, when one was staring him in the eye.  )

contributor: psmithery, genre: humour, rating: nc-17, genre: h/c, genre: porn, fanfic

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