Title: The Meaning of Courage 5/7
Summary: In which Arthur finally does something relatively brave, Merlin gets annoyed and slightly frustrated and whacks out the comfort food, Arthur says it like it is and Morgana lays down the ground rules.
Rating: PG-13
Beta'd by: The truly wonderful lasvegas_lights
Spoilers: N/A
Disclaimer: I still don't own Merlin or any of the characters. (Apart from the secretary.)
A/N: So, in writing the second half of this chapter, I decided that things weren't going to work the way I'd originally planned them to. That's why the summary has changed and I'm reposting the entire thing in chapter again in one go. I would say feel free to skip over the start and get to the new part, but it's been so long since I uploaded that you've probably forgotten. *Fail*
Also, thanks to anigram for help with the summary. I dedicate this to you. XD
In here. (: