Title: The Meaning of Courage 5a/?
Summary: In which Arthur finally does something relatively brave, Merlin is lost for words for the first time in his life, Morgana has too many choices and Lancelot finally gets himself a life.
Rating: PG-13
Beta'd by: No one this time. All mistakes are mine.
Spoilers: N/A
Disclaimer: I still don't own any of the Merlin characters. If I did, do you think the show would still be for kids?
A/N: Ha, okay, so, it's been a ridiculously long time, I know. Sorry about that. ): So, I know I promised (someone) that I wouldn't publish anymore chapters in halves any more because it's frustrating, but there is a story behind this. (Feel free to scroll over this. xD)
I was spending my time doing something so completely ordinary it was almost painful when BAM. Plot bunnies were hopping around in my head, causing havoc and generally making a mess. Which would normally be great, but it was for the competely wrong fandom! I mean, I've spent most of my day trawling through fic plans and past chapters trying to get myself in the mood for writing the fic I'd promised you, but I took a break to clear my head, and I swear I only watched two episodes, but that was all it took! Two damn episodes of the new Hawaii Five-O, and before I can do anything about it, all I can think about is Steve/Danno. I mean, have you seen the sexual tension between them?! And I know, deep down inside, that I shouldn't, because, well, Merlin and Arthur are waiting and they have been for a long time, but then I get this image in my head of Danno with his beautiful New Jersey accent saying, "Hey, kid, write this shit. Or I will shoot you in the face. In. The. Face." Which is a clear sign that I'm going completely mad.
But now, all I can think about is how much I wish I was in Hawaii. God, what the hell happened to me?
"...That isn't supposed to happen. Ever."