Title: Rowan (1/1)
Author: dk323
Beta: a8c_sock
Rating: PG-13
Pairings: Arthur/Merlin, Gwen
Word Count: 3,493
Warnings: Takes place during S3 (up through “The Eye of the Phoenix”)
Summary: Arthur believes it’s the perfect time to discuss the magic issue with Merlin. Unfortunately, he is thwarted at every turn. Gwen tries to be helpful. Mercifully, in Arthur’s opinion, Merlin decides to confide in him about his magical nature.
Author's Notes: This fic was written for
reiya_wakayama as a part of the
merlin_holidays fic exchange.
Disclaimer: The characters depicted herein belong to Shine and BBC. I make no profit from this endeavor.
"No, Merlin. You have it wrong," Arthur said to him resolutely. "You’re my friend. I called you a true friend once, remember? I meant it then and I assure you, I still mean it now. I will not betray a friend, Merlin. We’re stuck with each other, so you might as well accept it."