various fics...

Oct 22, 2010 12:03

Title: Memoranda (three drabbles)
Author: Harlequin
Universe: Merlin
Characters featured: Merlin/Arthur
Category, Word count: PWP; 300 words
Rating: PG13
Summary: Arthur writes a series of memoranda to himself about his insufferable companion. Maybe it helps.
Notes: A humble offering to archaeologist_d for her birthday.
And, in her honour, this is only the second time ever that I've managed to keep myself to 100-word limits!!!

Read it at my LJ or on my website.

Title: Treaty
Author: Harlequin
Universe: Merlin
Characters featured: Merlin/Arthur/Cenred
Category, Word count: Short story; 3680 words
Rating: NC17
Summary: After negotiating a treaty with Uther, Cenred gets to bed Arthur for a night. He suggests Merlin stay, in case Arthur has need of him. Which of course he does.
Notes: Set soon after The Changeling, though I don't really intend this to be canonical!
Warnings: A cracky premise. Dubious consent. A threesome. A drugged Arthur, an enema, and a medieval cock ring. A measure of self-harm from Cenred.

Read it on my website.

Title: Four Times Arthur was Seduced by Magic, and One Time He Wasn’t (the five things remix)
Author: Harlequin
Universe: Merlin
Characters featured: Merlin/Arthur
Category, Word count: Short story; 4663 words
Rating: NC17
Summary: Arthur didn't mind so much about Merlin changing him into a shark or a wolf when needs must… if only Merlin would quit making him come as well.
Notes: A remix of Lost at Sea by qwerty (xsmoonshine), written for the CamelotRemix challenge 2010 (camelotremix).
Warnings: Dubious consent. Tentacles. Bestiality.

Read it on AO3 or on my website.

rating: nc-17, contributor: slashweaver, rating: pg-13, genre: porn, warnings: dub-con, fanfic

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