Title: That Old Black Magic (5/9)
Rating: PG-13 (at the moment)
Pairing: Arthur/Merlin
Words: This chap 4000
Genre: Modern AU, romance, action
Disclaimer: Yeah, I still own nothing. A shock to you all, I'm sure.
Prologue / Cha
pter 1 /
Chapter 2 /
Chapter 3 Summary: Morgana has always protected her step-brother from magical threats through the strength of her visions, but when her powers begin to fail, it's up to somebody else to save the day. Enter Arthur's new bumbling assistant, Merlin.
“I’m not lying,” Merlin insists venomously, which is the only thing he can think of to say. His heart is back-flipping in his chest and his face is shining with sweat, panic swooping in his gut. He was supposed to protect Arthur, like the Dragon said, not make an enemy out of him.