Title: Are you actually REAL?!
Pairing: Arthur/Merlin
Rating: PG-13 (for language and sexual themes)
Words: 4700
Genre: Modern AU, uni/college fic, humour
Disclaimer: I own nothing.
Summary: Arthur is awesome. Everyone thinks so, most especially him. So when Merlin (a.k.a Ear-man) doesn’t take up his offer for a blowjob, Arthur is more than a little confused. Merlin must either be mentally deficient, or utterly blind. Arthur thinks it’s the former
rolls his eyes, done with talking now, because Ear-man is obviously a little bit simple. He gets on his knees, shuffles forward, flicks at the button on Merlin’s jeans and sticks his hands in his boxers with as much finesse as he can manage at 9.30 on a Monday morning.