211 Showing Real InitiativeAuthor: Harlequin
Universe: Merlin
Characters featured: Merlin/Arthur
Category, Word count: Ongoing story; this part 1930 words
Rating: NC17
Summary: Arthur is rather aggrieved with Merlin, and they have different ideas about how to resolve the situation.
Warnings: Season two spoilers. Also, this is rather more
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I am delighted that you appreciate my take on Arthur, and feel he captures something of the show. Like my Merlin, I do love him for who he is as well as who he'll become - in fact, despite the fact that I fell completely in love with Merlin in very short order, it was the potential of Arthur's storyline that really hooked me on this show. The character development from prattish prince to noble king - that's something that really interests me. And it interests me that his personal growth isn't smooth, either, as it can never be in real life. And indeed how he treats Merlin - which is just as you describe - there's no point in sentimentalising it!
Well, before this comment grows as long as the fic, I should say thank you, make a graceful bow, and take my leave... Thank you so much. See you next week, hon!
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