Drabble Series - Interlude | Sublime Surrender

Nov 15, 2009 19:29

AN: A series of drabbles centring on Arthur and Merlin's relationship, based on Arthur's actions and Merlin's Reactions. I've included an interlude from Morgana's POV. I've got the ending to the series written out now. Just flushing out the guts of it.

Disclaimer: Done for fun, not profit. Much like owning a pet.

Title: Interlude
Warning/Spoilers: None
Word Count: 100
Rating: PG
Summary: Morgana had never anticipated it.

Interlude: The man was in denial.

Title: Sublime Surrender
Warning/Spoilers: None
Word Count: 100 each
Rating: NC-17 (Here lies my first attempt at drabble pron)
Summary: They wouldn't have had it any other way.

Sublime: This part he understands.

Seduction: Merlin feels like this is okay.

Other Parts

Part I: Underestimation and Unbidden | Part II: Appreciation and Augmentation
Part III: Envious and Enamoured | Part IV: Rational and Rapture
Part V: Confessions and Confusion

genre: romance, rating: nc-17, contributor: notragicmercury, rating: pg, genre: drabble, genre: porn, fanfic

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