Title: Conquering the Realm
Rating: PG-13
Warnings/Spoilers: No spoilers as this will be AU from the beginning. Or maybe lots of spoilers if you haven't seen all the episodes. Not sure which. Anyway, this is pre-slash, merlin/arthur implied, and what I call torture!fic (basically the emotional and physical torment of our hero without leaving lasting, permanent deformations.)
Summary: The war between Mercia and Camelot has finally ended. Merlin arrives in the city, which is a bit different from the one in the show. You'll have to read to see how.
Author's note: I have pulled from a couple different sources. Some from the BBC version and some from Hallmark version. You'll just have to forgive me alterations, this is AU after all. ;P
Links to chapters:
Chapter 3 Chapter 2 Chapter 1 Thanks for reading. :D