Title: Secret Art Author: vensre Rating: G Warnings/Spoilers: Ø Wordcount: 431 Summary: Of course Arthur already knows about Merlin's hiding spot. Notes: If you prefer, read it at AOOO.
I left for the weekend just after I posted this story, but not too late to see your comment, although I didn't have time to reply. The words "perfectly balanced ficlet" did a lot to help me past my nervousness over posting in this fandom for the first time, so thank you! I'm glad you enjoyed it.
On my third read through I still think this is lovely. Just a gorgeous quiet moment between them with spot on characterization and the joy of cloud watching.
"You should look at it now," he said eventually. "It's a perfect replica of your face."
"Lies," Arthur murmured, and didn't even open his eyes.
Comments 56
Beautifully written also--perfectly balanced ficlet.
On my third read through I still think this is lovely. Just a gorgeous quiet moment between them with spot on characterization and the joy of cloud watching.
"You should look at it now," he said eventually. "It's a perfect replica of your face."
"Lies," Arthur murmured, and didn't even open his eyes.
...that bit makes me giggle every time!
It's strange to start in a new fandom with a blank slate. I think this was a decent beginning. Thanks again for reading it and encouraging me.
Thank you!
Hahaha! I can just see it~
Arthur: [staring at the clouds suspiciously]
Merlin: [standing around with a very irritating innocent look]
Arthur: [GLARES]
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