Fic: One night stand
Chapter title: Make you banana pancakes
Rating: NC-17
Pairing: Merlin/Arthur
Word Count: 800
Summary: A one night stand changes Arthur forever
Notes: OK, so this fic is now winding down :-( one reason for the delay, as a lot of you can probably sympathise with, is exams :-S the other reason is a very big overhaul of the last two chapters. I decided I was trying to resolve too many things, and it kept coming out all jumbled :-S so I am leaving one or two things from this fic unresolved, and I’ll be doing a sequal series this summer :-D which is good cos I’d miss my Irish!Merlin if I left it here ^_^ anyway so enjoy the penultimate chapter, hope it’s alright, I’m so tired I can’t really tell any more :-S as always any mistakes are my own and I would love if you could point them out to me :-)
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