(no subject)

Apr 29, 2009 05:34

Title: I'm Colorblind, Kid
Rating: R, to be safe
Author: Bri
Warnings/Spoilers: Season 1 in general, slightly more specific references to The Labyrinth of Gedref and Le Morte d'Arthur
Summary: "It figures that even as a dog, you’d be a prat." Arthur gets turned into a dog, and is the worst pet Merlin's ever had, despite being completely adorable. Or something like that. There might be some plot, I'm not entirely sure.
Wordcount: ~13,800, in two parts
A/N: Betaed by coffeeordeath, any remaining mistakes are all mine! This was meant to be slightly more cracky, and short, but somehow it just kind of evolved and kept going. And got a few bits of emo injected in it. Oops?

Link to Part One

contributor: brbsoulnomming, genre: crack, genre: fluff, rating: r, fanfic

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