Name: Lauren
Age: 19
Previous Stamps: Lancelot [Regular]
Arthur [Mirror]
I'd like a male stamp, please :)
Name: Lauren
Are you over 13?: 19
Your likes:
Adele, Chopin, Tchaikovsky, Mozart, Beethoven, Jim Croce, Bob Dylan, The Beatles, any sort of classic rock or classical music. James Taylor, Carole King, Queen, Heart, AC/DC, CCR, The Who, David Bowie, The Eagles, Elton John, Cat Stevens, The Doors, Simon and Garfunkel, just to name a few. Also XFM radio with Ricky Gervais, Stephen Merchant, and Karl Pilkington.
BBC's Sherlock, Miss Marple Mysteires, Star Trek: The Original Series, Doctor Who, Torchwood, Top Gear UK, Real Time with Bill Maher, Mock the Week, QI, Horrible Histories, BBC's Merlin, The Ricky Gervais Show. Basically British and Australian television.
The Godfather, The Silence of the Lambs, anything by Shakespeare, anything by Oscar Wilde, Oscar Wilde Murder Mysteries, anything that can be considered classic literature.
Michael Fassbender, Paul Newman, Benedict Cumberbatch, James Dean, Hugh Jackman, Mae West, Bette Davis, Colin Morgan, Bradley James.
Any film by Alfred Hitchcock, Roman Polanski, or John Hughes. Foreign dramas, dramas, musicals, Classic Hollywood. Not a typical fan of action films and rom-coms.
Other likes:
Tea, Disney, fantasy novels, baking, writing, family, friends, PSP, British culture, reading, old Ricky Gervais XFM radio shows, the greenery of Western Canada, nature, animals, fencing, sports, hockey, drawing.
Your dislikes: Idiots, drunkards, idiots, loud people, insensitive, selfish-self centered people. Can we just put all the rude annoying people in the world who think about themselves and put them in a box? XD
Your strengths: Gentle, kind, sweet, tender, independent, intelligent, playful, diligent, ambitious.
Your weaknesses: I tend to stress myself out over things I can't control, obsessive, stubborn.
What is your biggest turn-on?: Intelligence, how responsible someone is or playfullness, I suppose. I like people who are responsible and think of others rather than themselves, but someone who isn't dull. Intelligence and playfullness usually come hand in hand, anyhow. Intelligence usually comes with humor, anyhow, I've found. -nod-
What is your biggest turn-off?: People who are self-absorbed and who only think about themselves, or people who are crass. I HATE crassness and I hate crass humor. I also hate it when people think they're God's gift to the world when they so obviously are not. People who have that sort of self-entitled self-importance where you just want to PUNCH them in the face. |D -rage- -I'm good now- |D
Please list 5-7 qualities your significant other should have: Intelligent, funny, sporty, playful, dutiful, independent.
Please list 5-7 qualities your significant other shouldn't have: Rude, blase, lazy, crass. I have nothing else xD
What you want in a significant other?: Someone who I can depend on, I suppose. Someone I can trust. I have a hard time trusting people when it comes to relationships and I think I'd need to have someone I know I could depend on.
What you need in a significant other?: -pokes above-
Do you believe in true love, or soul mates?: -blushes- I'm a secret romantic. So yes. I believe that somewhere, out there, there's someone made for everyone. My favourite Classics quote is actually from Plato's "The Symposium", and deals with this sentiment exactly:
Not exactly the most poetic translation, but a translation none-the-less. -shrug-
Do you believe in love at first sight?: I'd like to. Perhaps it's idealistic of me, but I'd like to believe that some day I'll just look up and the person I'm meant to be with will be staring back at me. I won't put my life on hold or wait for them, but I always like to think, sometimes late at night when I tend to overthink things, that every step I take forward in life will take me closer to where and with whom I'm meant to be.
What is your viewpoint on love in general?: Love represents many things to me. It's not just 'love'. It represents evolution as a person, it represents laughter, it represents kindness. Love to me can be felt with places, people, things. Love fills a hole that I sometimes feel if left alone too long, despite being more of an independent by nature. Love is what motivates us to live. I can see why people sneer at love and affections for making them act in ridiculous ways, but really, those people aren't living, are they? I've been that way in the past, and it's no way to live, suppressing it, living half a life.
Is your significant other an optimist or a pessimist?: Optimist. I don't like pessimists, and I never have. They're people who usually always are about themselves, self-obsessed and never caring about anyone else. They only see the negatives in their own life, and that's just rude and selfish. Optimists are able to realize they are lucky for what they possess, not matter how meager, and able to care for others plights as well, and are able to help others through those ordeals.
Is your significant other a leader or a follower?: Leader. I need someone with a backbone. I can be a strong independent personality and a follower personality is just really sweet, but not what I ever am interested in. I need someone with their own opinions and thoughts. For example, there was a very sweet boy in high school who used to follow me around whenever I talked to him, and I tried to be nice to him especially because he was such a sweetheart and he didn't have many friends, but I think he did have a crush on me, looking back, and I never even realized it then, because I just wanted to look after him and take care of him. That's how I usually feel about followers. They're more people I want to care about rather than be involved in a relationship with.
Is your significant other an introvert or an extrovert?: I'd like him to be more of an extrovert than me (which isn't hard, I'm quiet naturally self-contained), but not ridiculously outgoing to the point of being irritating. Probably an extroverted introvert.
Is your significant other a dreamer or a realist?: I'd say someone who's secretly a bit of a dreamer, but forced to be a realist. I'm much more of that type of person too. I wouldn't want anyone too dreamy who wouldn't get anything done, or too much of a 'realist', because lots of times I've experienced that 'realists' are usually pessimists in disguise. Someone who has ambitions and goals, but also can be practical when it comes down to it.
Is your significant other mature or immature?: Mature. I really can't stand immature people. Never have been, never will.
Is your significant other impulsive or cautious?: Cautious. Not overtly so, but erring on the side of caution has never hurt anyone.
Is your significant other controlling or submissive?: I don't want him submissive, but I have to say, I'd LOVE to whip someone with a slightly controlling personality into shape. -grins- Just try to tell me what to do.~ xD
Is your significant other a hero or a villain?: Either or. Some 'villains' have good reason to be hurt.
Please describe what kind of relationship(s) you prefer now, and what kind of relationship(s) you would like to have in the foreseeable future? (Examples: long-term dating, short-term dating, sexual activity partners, marriage, monogamous, polygamous, etc.): Either long-term dating, or monogamous marriage. I'm not the type of person who believes in 'flings' or anything. I am all or nothing. Either I am in a relationship or I'm not. Either way it doesn't bother me.
What is your IDEAL relationship, and why?: A long term friendship. -smiles- I think it explains itself. I want a relationship where I can laugh with someone but also be serious and loving.
What do you feel is the most important part of a relationship, and why?: Probably the reassurance that you're able to depend on them to always be there, even if you'd like your own space and time to yourself. That and your ability to make each other smile and laugh, to brighten up the other's day. You may not have similar interests, but as long as you have a similar sense of humor and mutual respect towards one another, I think it will honestly make a relationship last.
What would be your ideal date in Camelot? Something casual. I mean, if I AM theoretically a Lancelot, I would live in the castle, I suppose I'd want to leave into someplace where the restraints of court wouldn't apply to us. -nod-
Please tell us which Merlin character that you think you would have a bad relationship with, and why?: Probably Merlin or Percival or someone who's a bit more of a follower. -nod- I know they're both very much their own people, but honestly, I could never serve under someone, and I know I wouldn't want someone who would be the same, who didn't have that sort of aspirations to head to the front of the pack, if that makes any sense. xD My own ambition would be annoyed by their casualness towards their position in life, I suppose.
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I'd also like to point out, which is VERY important, I am not a creepy romantic. XD The term 'romantic' has become, I find, an excuse for silly shrieking girls that have pictures of boys taped all over their room and doodle their names with their crush's in her notebook. I am COMPLETELY not like that, and I honestly do laugh at it, how silly it is. Just wanted to point out I'm not a person to swoon over a man's appearance and past his face all over my room; I have to like the person's personality, quite honestly, to like them. They could be the most handsome man in the world, if I don't like their personality and find them irritating, I won't be with them. I've never been that sort of person who's superficial enough to like someone for their looks. I have to like their personality as well. I'm not some crazy batshit old lady reading Fabio novels and going OOOOOO COME TAKE ME AWAY |DD -facepalm- I can manage perfectly well by myself, thank you very much. If the person I'm meant to be with will come along, I won't object. Until then, I won't be one of those silly little girls putting my life on hold solely for a man. -nod-
Just thought I'd put that out there |D -creeps away-