Series: Untitled
Chapter: no title (I'm working on it).
Rating: PG-13
Pairing/s: maybe future Merlin/Arthur, Possibly Implied Gaius/Uther, I don't think it is, but other's might disagree.
Warning/s: Dark, Angst
Summary: Magic and Despair are not a good combination
Please read and review
Part 1: It's nearly three hours before Gaius starts to worry, Merlin is already two hours late for his duties.
He had run into Arthur during his rounds, Nearly spilling sir Belin's medicine when the prince yanked on his arm, demanding to know where Merlin was.
Gaius glared at the young man for a second, well aware of how he'd been treating the boy he thought of as a son.
He was rewarded with a guilty look.
"He should have told Me right away Gaius."
"And what would you have done, your Majesty?"
Arthur just stormed away.
Delivering Belin's medicine ended his round for the morning, so he decided to head back to check on the young Warlock.
Even with Arthur at his worst, Merlin had never just not shown up for work.
"Merlin, are you alright my boy.......Merlin."
"Merlin." he tried again, pushing open the door.
He barely noticed as the empty vial he was holding in one hand shattered around his feet, as he backed from the room.
He vaguely registered his door opening, Arthur and his father racing towards the sound of breaking glass, and the cry he hadn't even realized he'd made.
"Physician....Gaius, what has happened?"
"It's black....It's all black, I can barely see him."
For the first time in nearly thirty years, Gaius clung to his King, his friend.
Uther was too surprised to make him stop, so he tilted his head towards The young Manservants doorway.
And Arthur walked into Merlin's room.