
May 18, 2009 00:00

Who: Remus and OPEN
What: sleepwalking
When: Sunday morning
Where: Gryffindor tower
Rating: I can't think of anything witty to write here so I will say *~*~PG~*~*

you’ve got the moon on your pyjamas and the stars in your eyes )

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padfoot_prints May 21 2009, 21:57:34 UTC
Sirius lay beneath the warm sheets of his bed, his faced snuggled into his pillow. His breathing was light and calm. Nothing bothered him that night, but somewhere in the subconscious of his mind he knew something was wrong.

Gripping at the sheets he rolled onto his side, groaning a bit in his sleep before he was jogged awake by a cool breeze blowing in though the window next to James' bed. His dark brown eyes flickered open. Blinking for a moment to clear the haze he peered around the room and eventually sat up, rubbing his eyes.

He instinctly checked on the others. James. Check. Peter. Check. Remus... He strained his eyes to see through the hangings of his bed. He saw no lump there where his lover's body should be, but only cold sheets, strewn and hanging limply to the floor.

It wasn't the first time Remus left his bed during the night. It happened occasionally. Usually he would be awakened by Remus as he clambered back into bed, but not tonight. Remus hadn't returned yet and it frightened him.

Climbing out of bed, he quietly slipped out of the room barefoot and wearing only his sleep things, darted down the winding stairs. When he reached the bottom and spotted Remus coming through the port hole he breathed a sigh of relief.

"Kind of late for a night time stroll, isn't it?" he asked as he walked toward his best friend. He saw the far away look in Remus eyes and he pushed aside his next joke. His face turned serious then. "Are you okay, Moony?" he asked reaching out to take Remus' hand. He looked him over. He looked alright physically, but that wasn't what he was asking.


remypoo May 21 2009, 23:43:55 UTC
Remus was glad to see Sirius, his voice and his presence comforting. He had been okay, up until the point Dorcas had snapped up a photograph of him entering Gryffindor tower. He knew she liked taking photographs, but Remus was the most camera shy person in the castle, everyone knew that. So to take a photograph of him in the first place, never mind when he was looking fragile and lost, was not only rude but incredibly brave. He felt like picking a fight with Dorcas, but Lily had done that for him (he loved that girl and her fierce loyalty).

"Can we go back to the dorms?" Remus asked Sirius quietly, avoiding answering Sirius' question in a not so subtle way. Several eyes were on Remus, and he didn't like - no, hated - the attention on him.

Sirius' hand felt warm, like a hot water bottle had been pressed into his palm. Remus savoured the feeling while it lasted, shivering from being outside in the cold.


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